torsdag den 5. september 2013

I have no future

As I'm writing this it occurs to me that my future isn't exactly as planned as I thought. Just two months ago I thought I knew what the next three years had in wait for me, now I know that it's not that simple.
Last week I was in Odense attending the first seminar at The University of Southern Denmark. I thought this was it but as the hours went by in the city it slowly dawned on me that that wash't the case.

So now I'm a college dropout even before the first semester has begun. Sad as that may sound I'm happy. I'm so incredibly relieved you wouldn't believe it! I guess university just isn't for me.

Here's a pretty picture I took of my friend while in Wisconsin. She's adorable!

I've been thinking a lot lately which isn't as impressive as it may sound since my thoughts have been rather simple. Guys, girls, stuff, guys, girls, more stuff, guys, girls, my future. So basically I've been thinking a lot about the people who've entered my life recently. Funny thing; some people actually like me despite my cynical being. Weird I know but apparently still true. Who'd have thought people would come to like me someday? 
Oh everything's just crazy and fucked up and I'm hurting someone I like by doing stupid stuff wee. 

I'm a horrible person

lørdag den 27. juli 2013

Lake house

So here I am in bed in a lake house on Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. How did I get here? Well, that's kind of a long story.

mandag den 7. januar 2013

It's been a while

I've been silent. Silent for so long and now I decide to speak again.

A week ago I deactivated my Facebook account and I actually feel kind of happy about it. It's fun to live life without seeing all these meaningless things people I rarely speak to post.
My friends got a bit worried at first. One by one they noticed I had disappeared from the site and asked me why. I was tired of Facebook, simple.

I walk around wishing I was still in the States. I really liked it there and want to go back so badly. But since I'm out of money I obviously can't.

I really miss it. The freedom of doing whatever I wanted at whatever time I wanted. It was grand it really was.