fredag den 30. september 2011

Winter girl

Once upon a time there was a girl. This girl seemed happy.
It was winter and the girl was happy. She lived her life quietly and that was just the way she liked it. She had control of her life and everything seemed to go just the way she wanted it.

She was a winter girl.

In the winter she was happy. She was everything and nothing and that was exactly the point of it all.

But then winter ended. She became miserable and lost everything she had fought so hard to achieve. Now she is grieving and wondering where everything went wrong. How things could turn around and become like this. How all the dreams now lie shattered on the floor.

There is only one hope for this girl - that winter this year will bring back the winter girl in her. That winter will in fact save her miserable little life and bring her back to her happy state of mind.

Pray for the girl.

lørdag den 24. september 2011

Gossipy girls

Caught between two friends' fight. One says one thing the other another. Really no clue what to think is the truth - probably a great old cocktail of everything and the things left unsaid.

It saddens me that these two great friends of mine have gotten into such a mess with each other. Their relationship literary has hit rock bottom. A sad way to part with yelling, name-dropping and furniture vanishing from the apartment when the other is out.

C visited me last night. It has been such a long time since I last saw her. Mostly because of that cold war she and M has going on. It was nice seeing her though. We spent the evening watching Gossip Girls on TV, talking about stuff and of course gossip about this and that.
Seeing her again made me realize how awkward our relationship always has been. I pretty much do not care about it, but people watching would probably consider it shaky ground. I like C and I really hope she and M will make it work between them. At least having the two of them sitting in the same room without killing each other would be nice.

I hate to choose between friends...

mandag den 19. september 2011

Tale of the sleep deprived

Waking up at half past three in the morning is no fun.
Riding a bicycle for an hour at four in the morning is no fun.
Getting to work at five in the morning is somewhat no fun.
Getting home at half past nine in the morning is nice.
Going to sleep at a quarter past ten is fantastic!
Waking up at eleven is exhausting.
Working at twelve is somewhat nice.
Driver's license theory at four in the afternoon is quite funny.
Getting home at half past six in the evening is very fulfilling.

I kind of have to days in a day. No matter what I do I end up having to sleep either in the morning or in the afternoon in order not to fall asleep during work.

I am not sure if I can keep up with this. It is so extremely hard for me to get up this early when I have these other jobs which make me go to sleep at eleven in the evening at the earliest. Damn.

Saturday I experienced being alone in the café. Only my boss and I were at work and while he worked hard in the kitchen I had to take care of everything in the café. Which quite frankly made me feel very badly. I had only had two shifts before that so I honestly did not think of me as fit for it. At. All.
I have learned a lot in the café. I think I finally became friends with the streamer. Now I only need to befriend the cash register. We are still on shaky ground the two of us :)

Every time I go out for groceries for the café I walk by Guldsmedegade and in on of the apartments the residents have made a huge 32 bit pacman and ghost on their window out of post-its. I might take a picture of it sometime since it is SO AWESOME!

onsdag den 14. september 2011

Life as we know it

Yesterday was work. I liked it.
Clean at 6 in the morning, café at 9 in the morning and computer work at the hospital at 4 in the afternoon. What a day!
Oh and a lovely thing? E had dinner ready when I got home mhmm. The bestest of the best is what she is!

After re watching Twilight for the 117th time it occurred to me. "Hey, that Carlisle dude looks so much like our new boss at the café!!! OMGZ E! do you see it??" And she did. So I am not just being crazy :) Well at least not alone in my craziness then.

I look forward to tomorrow. Seriously that day is going to be interesting! I hope someone would like to watch the whole thing on the TV with me, but we will see. Most people already have plans for the night :/ 

søndag den 11. september 2011

All by myself

Today I worked for the first time in Café Kaffegal. Suddenly all the other café workers were off work and at the exact moment the last one went away and left me alone in the bar the stereo started playing "all by myself".

This I will never ever think was a coincidence. Just a little too fitting!
And I smiled. A big foolish grin on my face! Such a nice day today turned out to be :)

tirsdag den 6. september 2011


Oh and the best thing about my work? I choose when to work! = Everday!
Aand I do not think they would mind me dyeing my hair crazy colors :D Which was really my biggest worry about getting a job.
Crazy person gotta craze, right? ;)

Work is good

I have begun working! Finally I got a job! Yay to that! Aaand all it requires is me sitting at a computer hitting "tab" and checking if everything is like it should be. Checking questionnaires is quite funny. Who cares if it is one of those jobs they give to people since they do not want it themselves? It is a job and it an everyday for me!

Money in the pocket

Today I was scheduled for a meeting (once again) with a Café, but yet again they canceled due to sickness. Damnit! Ele and I are NEVER going to get that meeting grr..
But hell. Now we just go to hear this politic debate in the women's house instead. Sure am looking forward to see what that will be about!

My OS likes Pokémon I bet!

Never mind RainbowDash.
But.. seriously? She makes your desktop 20% cooler!

lørdag den 3. september 2011

Good times

I got a job today. From now on I am no unemployed no more! I have a job and a reason to wake up in the morning! Who cares if the thing I have to do is boring?? At least I do not just sit around at home writing applications to different job agencies.
Oh and I think my friend and I are going to get that volunteer job at the café in Århus! Pretty amazing!
I am back in business once again! OH YEAH!