mandag den 3. december 2012

mandag den 29. oktober 2012

Life is good

Such a nice day in Anchorage. With weather like that what else to do than put on you roller blades and head for the coastal trail?
A little slippery and cold, but nothing too difficult.
Beautiful coast! Mountains were out and a crisp air with sunshine. Sunday at its best!

søndag den 21. oktober 2012


Living by myself in the cabin was awesome. As a spontaneous adding to my trip I borrowed a dog to go along with me not a bad choice at all! I actually enjoyed the company of my furry four legged friend.

The scenery was splendid; river just a stone throw away from the cabin and snow covering the wilderness making everything silent and muting all noises.

I'm starting to become restless. I need to get back into town. By the end of next week I'll probably be in Anchorage.

mandag den 15. oktober 2012

Uncivilized lifestyle

Four days in a cabin all by myself! That's what's in store for me!

Being in the woods all by myself getting away from people surrounding me. The lumberjack-ish life of chopping up wood for the stove to get warm. Walk through wilderness to the river and fetch water for drinking and cooking and just relax with a book with nothing to interfere or interrupt!
Maybe even walk through snow in a silent winter wonderland through endless spruce forest and solid frozen rivers.

Alaska I truly love you!

lørdag den 13. oktober 2012

Only in America

Pacifist going to a gun show today. Completely out of comfort zone and really looking forward to it. Comfort zones poison people deprive them of their curiosity and hunger for adventure. Kills them, domesticates them, drain them. Slowly!
No more, I say! No more!

Yesterday I saw a bunch of military jets taking landing on the Air Force Base. I was so excited! No reason, but so extremely excited.

onsdag den 3. oktober 2012

I'm fucked up :)

This past week has been, erm, interesting. Too much fucked up happened to even mention it. One thing's sure though; I'm seriously considering the pros of becoming a lesbian and just forget all about the drama and complications with boys...

At least I'm out of town now so hopefully that'll make things better.

Oh and I have a new friend! Her names Jenny she's a real charmer!

mandag den 17. september 2012

Oh crap......

I think I did something very wrong Saturday night. The moment of realization. Finally realizing what I did. Oh crap.... Good thing I'm leaving soon.

Though it was a lot of fun swimming in the darkness. Now I just have to lie with the cold I caught from it. Damn...

mandag den 10. september 2012

Tickets - check!

Today I finally bought the tickets. Now I'm just counting the days and trying to see as many of my friends before I leave. I kinda still need to figure out where I'll be staying, but I guess one big decision a day should be enough. Tomorrow'll be all about dollars - and earning a little more money as well since I'll cover for another person. Neat!

I'm a little disappointed I didn't get tickets for a date earlier than I did, but on the other hand this leaves me with more time to say hi and bye to people. The downside though is that I'm completely tired of spending my days at home.

Maybe I should start packing? Figure out some prepaid cellphone solution or just do something constructive. At least watching Gossip Girl season 2 and 3 over again doesn't count as such...


fredag den 7. september 2012

It's kind of a funny story

I went to see a stand up comedian with my family and our neighbors last night. I seriously haven't laughed so hard in a long long time! Gosh, he was amazing! I really love this one comedian since he both knows how to tell a joke and how to use his body language to get people to laugh.

We had dinner at this really Danish restaurant which didn't even have a vegetarian dish on the menu, that Danish! But I got a specially made salad and was happy. Though I had to take in a little joking around about me not eating ANYTHING except grass and wind. Ha ha, funny....

In the bathroom they had this lamp thingy I just couldn't help, but take a picture of/with/whatever :)

onsdag den 5. september 2012

So I went to Copenhagen

Friday morning at 6 I joined a truck driver and drove from Aarhus to Copenhagen. Arrived by 10.30 and since my friend was meeting me at 7 pm I had an entire day to spend in the capital city.

I don't feel lonely like I sometimes used to. I enjoy the solitude, but gosh I didn't enjoy Copenhagen too much. Too many people, you know? So I kinda kept myself to the quiet places like the botanical garden, Christiania and the lakes.

Take off is getting closer! I've almost figured it out. And I'm definitely ready to leave.

onsdag den 29. august 2012

I'm going back!

I've decided to go back. I've been tossing around with a couple of options for my future and honestly going back seems like the only right thing to do at the moment. Soo that's what I'm gonna do!

I just returned from England. Reading Festival was a blast! Awesome, sassy, awesome! London was nice as well. Now that I'm back in Denmark I'm just happy to have a nice shower! Oh it was indeed called for!

Over. Here's a picture I took of a horse.

fredag den 17. august 2012

Events from a week gone by

Kent, cow and cookies.


And it's not even like there's 21 hours of darkness..
I can't stand the pressure from inside. Days pass by all the while I count the days we've been apart. I really just want to go back to Alaska. The place I love more than anything else! Maybe even more than friends, family and everything else I hold dear? Yes, I'm cynical...

I wonder how different it would be after a month of absence. Maybe huge? Maybe none at all? Who knows.. All I know is that no matter if everything's changed I would still love Alaska and just start heading north into the bush.

On a brighter note I went to Skanderborg Festival and it was.. interesting to say at least! Volunteer work like last year. I was on my own though since my friend couldn't come, but since when has that ever been an excuse to deny oneself an awesome music festival? No, exactly!
New friends and weird drunken experiences.

tirsdag den 7. august 2012

Birthday brother

Tomorrow is my brother's 18th birthday. I can't make it for the breakfast celebrating him and I have no gift for him since I didn't know what to buy for him. AKA I'm a lousy sister..

I enjoyed this Saturday with friends and family as we all gathered to celebrate him and drink our brains out. Quite satisfying and not the dread I'd prepared myself for. Being back from Alaska brought a great deal of attention to my person, but I think I managed it quite well considering the questions people asked. My awkward handshake with left hand since my other palm would hurt, if people squeezed my wound. Oh and then I figured my friends hadn't kept their mouths shut so eventually everybody found out about Daniel and started asking the questions which have been asked way too many times in the history of mankind. Who is he? Are you going back to see him? Will he come visit you here? Blah, blah.

I really need to go somewhere though and I might as well go back to Alaska since I liked it so fucking much there!

tirsdag den 31. juli 2012


I haven't even been "home" for 12 hours having spent less than 5 hours here.. I can't make myself unpack. My room doesn't feel right. The atmosphere is, wrong.. I twitch all the time, a new habit I've developed and now am unable to control.

Twitch, twitch goes the little bitch.

I want to escape. This feeling is uncomfortable. I need to get away. I can't stay here - I have to leave.

Tomorrow at noon I'll be gone!

lørdag den 14. juli 2012


Stoned, wasted and all that shit.. Feels good though to have something else to think about for a change! All day has been sad crying over him and longing for him, but now I'm just longing for another smoke. Yay?

Wild night.. Didn't spend any money on weed or alcohol, interesting. Three different guys hitting on me, weird..

mandag den 2. juli 2012

Stampede Trail

Unfortunately these pictures aren't of the real bus at the end of the trail. They are of the replica bus they used in the movie which is now situated in front of the 49th in Healy.

I went to the trail yesterday. It was AMAZING!!! I can't describe the feeling of walking along that trail. It was just awesome. I didn't even get that far (about four hours in till I reached a swampy area just before Savage River), but I really enjoyed it anyway. I'll come back later at another time when the rivers aren't this high and strong and when I have gathered more experience with swamp and river crossings and actually have all the means to reach the bus.

torsdag den 21. juni 2012

Spice things up a bit!

We sure did! I can't make up my mind though. Everything is so confusing. It all happens so fucking fast!

Oh well, today is my birthday. I'll bake some cupcakes and give them to the guys and hopefully they'll like them! I spent an hour at Walmart trying to find the things I needed. Why is it so damn hard??
On my way home I got picked up and given a ride home by some of them. Very nice of them and I really appreciated it since it would've taken me half an hour otherwise. Though I don't mind walking. Why else would I have gone out in the first place?

It seems everywhere I go it takes me an hour to get there. All the times I've walked home at 6 in the morning mmmm.

lørdag den 16. juni 2012

Heart racing

My damn heart won't slow down. All morning it's been racing like a horse on crack. Pretty annoying especially when other people can actually feel your heart beating that fast. Nervous? I have no idea. What's there to be nervous about? I don't know..
It's kinda hurting me..

torsdag den 14. juni 2012

Pioneer Park

These past few days in Alaska have flown by! So much fun and so much I'd never thought I'd do. Riding a BMX bike to Walmart at 2 AM in the morning with a bunch of guys and Amber what a blast! Ghost hunting in the middle of the night. Ice cube war with him and just so much fun. I've even been to the animal shelter.

Off to bed now.

tirsdag den 5. juni 2012

This moment

I made a few pretty raw cakes this evening for my birthday dinner thingy for the family and neighbors. The day I spent at a friend's house celebrating her birthday. She even made a raw cake just for me so that I could have some cake too! Just wonderful!

The past few days have been all about birthdays. My other friend's on Saturday and my own for a few friends on Sunday. I'll admit I'm going to miss those people a lot! They're just so great.

I'm a little sad about not being able to come and celebrate some of my friends graduating this Summer. They seem a little sad about it too, but I reckon they'll manage it. I mean, all the other people'll come!

lørdag den 26. maj 2012

Vegan delights

Yesterday I was at the health store and bought multiple ingredients to make a delicious organic vegan cheesecake. For some reason I ended up making it in the middle of the night, but who cares. This being Saturday morning now I decided I should have a piece for breakfast along with slices of banana and blueberries. Yum!

I used this recipe: which was easy as (vegan) pie and even tastier than any cheesecake I've tried! I halved the recipe just because and therefore it turned out quite flat. But on the plus side this means it's not as heavy as cheesecakes tend to be. Sometimes it's hard to just finish one slice cause you get both full and sick of too much cream cheese filling. Less filling = problem solved!

I need to live a place where people would join my spontaneous party with myself. Two Door Cinema Club ain't bad party music! Come on neighborhood WAKE UP!!!

fredag den 25. maj 2012

Bicycle, bicycle!

"I love to ride my bicycle"

This week I've spent a lot of my time getting around on my bicycle. It's really not the fastest way and I know I could've saved time by taking the bus or driving the car. But who really cares about saving time when you could be outside on your bicycle enjoying the weather and feeling what it's like to sweat and walk on legs so tired of biking every step they take they threaten to overthrow the person in command. That's what I like. The feeling of being just on the brim of total exhaustion, but still be able to go about and do the stuff that needs to be done! (though it is quite a pain in the ass not knowing if you'll fall up the next flight of stairs.. Adventure?)
According to the map I just briefly looked at I've approximately covered 24 km when I went to work and back Monday and yesterday. Tuesday it wasn't as far. Tilst is somewhat 9 to 10 km from here.

It's funny to look at all the other bicyclists when you're on the move. Most have that fancy gear and look like they're getting ready for Tour de France and some are just wearing everyday clothes and maybe have one of those little engines on their bike for when it gets a little too hard. To my own great surprise most people wear a helmet something I thought most people didn't. The things you learn about people everyday is amazing!

onsdag den 23. maj 2012

Last Day

Everything today was about my forthcoming leave at work. I got a phone call from my boss asking me when I intended to stop and mentioned I had to teach the new me how to do things at work. Shit.. I'm really everything but the type you let instruct other people. And he's English so plenty more reason I could screw it up.

When I arrived at work my contact person brought up the topic once more. She really touched me when se said they were going to miss me. I'm only covering for someone else as she was on sick leave so I was really flattered that she'd miss me even though all along she knew I'd be gone one day. I decided to bake a cake for them.

Wednesday is the day I volunteer at the cafe. Today was Wednesday which means I was at the cafe. It seemed like today was the day all the new volunteers had decided to start. Pretty much fun although I had to teach one of the new ones a lot of things and as I mentioned before I'm not that type of person. Well, she said she liked working with me so I'm glad. I get so distracted I'm afraid to lose focus sometimes and appear rude.

It's hard to believe it's going to be months from now that I'll be back at the cafe. So weird and odd. I even get a hug from my boss and he's not even the hugging type! (except when he's drunk, but that's another story)

A lot to miss, but also a lot to look forward to! In less than two weeks I'll be off!

tirsdag den 22. maj 2012

Living on my own

It's funny how much weather affects my mood. If I wake up and the sun is shining very few things can break me down and make me miserable. On the other hand of the weather is shitty my mood is quite likely to so too.
This weekend the weather was fabulous! I can't describe how pretty the scenery I had around me was. I was back in my old neighborhood once again and everything was beautiful and perfect! Four days in paradise if I might say so.

I was house sitting for a friend which ie kinda gotten to like since I've done it a few times before. An entire house all to myself for a couple of days is really awesome! I'm closer to the city, dictate my own rules and snuggle up with a cat every evening. What more could one ask for?

I wish I had a place of my own. A small apartment in a nice neighborhood would be brilliant.

My friend and I decided to make freshly baked bread for breakfast and eat in the sun. Doesn't matter if it took us nearly two hours before we had the breakfast it was fun and delicious opposed to just having bought something at the store. Should have worn some sun screen though.

onsdag den 16. maj 2012

Mother got a flower

I bought this flower for my mother today. Suddenly felt like giving her something nice and ten I remembered this cute flourish shop I've been to several times without buying a thing. Today I decided it was time I actually bought something. Since my mom is all crazy about orchids I chose a big bright pink orchid with the prettiest pattern I've ever seen on an orchid.

And I danced a little with the vacuuming machine. Wonder if they've noticed.

søndag den 13. maj 2012

Party like there's no tomorrow

Yesterday was a blast. Fun with friends is never something I'd hate or dislike. Mejlgade for Mangfoldighed 12 was brilliant and so much fun. I teamed up with a couple of friends and had fun with all the booths and stages. They even had free vegan cake!
Unfortunately this year was just as cold as the past two years, but at least not as wet! I dreaded yet another street party with rain, rain and even more rain. But it was cold... Fear not though! Because we found this box in which we sat very tightly all five of us. Pretty awkward that people kept taking pictures of us in the box. And sometimes we got new tenants on top of the box most of which were not too talkative.

Today I went hike training. 12 kg in my backpack and then I left with doggie. We went out and about. Pavement, rocky roads, grassy trails and almost any imaginable kind of paths. I met one of my friend's parents while they were walking their dog.

When I got home I was quite tired. My stomach hurt so I decided to sleep. Sleep is the only cure I have against stomach aches. People always tell me to slip a pain killer of some sort, but I really don't like that idea. First of all I don't think you should just swallow medication just now and then when you feel like it and secondly I find I have a tendency to vomit when I have paracetamol.. Pretty good reason to avoid the stuff!

tirsdag den 8. maj 2012

Into the wild

I knew it would rain - hell it rained just fifteen minutes prior to my departure. Now I'm back home again with damp hair and sore shoulders. Don't ask me why, but I had to go for a ride on my bicycle this evening before it got dark. The air was filled with water particles all the time and it looked so beautiful the mist-like haze above the trees in the forest. I would've taken a picture, but my phone didn't reflect what I was seeing so I gave up.
Suddenly I felt the urge to abandon my bike and walk into some forest near the road I was driving along. I went further and further into the forest and tried to forget myself and be in the moment. Atop the hill in a evergreen forest then a valley of leafy trees leading to human interference. Cut-down trees, dead timber and spoiled soil. Such a sad sight for sore eyes.
Suddenly I spotted her though. She was right there in the middle of once-was-such-a-tall-forest-but-now-merely-timber. The female deer wasn't even 50 meters from me and hadn't noticed me at all. I stopped and watched her. Waiting for her to spot me which surprisingly took quite a while. The dripping from the rain must have been my advantage.
She spotted me and did the oddest little moves with her head. I figure she was trying to determine whether or not I made a threat to her. After a while she wandered off into the forest, but as I moved she ran for it.

Such a magical moment.

Here's a little 10 second video I made:
The windmill

Traveling bike

Grabing my bike by the handlebars. Riding into the sunset the last rays of a spring day stinging my skin. Riding fast, faster, faster even. Sudden stop! Look at the scenery! So pretty and peaceful. Who knew the industrial area could be this beautiful?
On the road again. Riding past warehouses, trees and semi-forests. Take a turn ride down the road hit a dead-end and turn around. Look to your right. The gravel road seems oddly welcoming. Ride fast feel the uneven terrain and notice your head and hands shake as you propel through nature faster than you could ever control. 
And then you've hit yet another dead-end. Unless you wish to continue along the highway. Turn around and take another gravel road. It appears to go on forever. Taking me further and deeper into the forest. The smell. The unmistakable smell of the presence of cows. There! Between the trees to the right. 
Get off. Look around. Run like a manic person through tough terrain. Sudden movement ahead. Deer scared by my retarded energy outburst. Run with it. Feel the euphoria grab you as you run while the feeling of getting tired increases for every step you take. 
Back to the bike. Fast, faster beehives. Abandon bike and walk the end of the forest. Eat a leaf and become part of nature.    

søndag den 6. maj 2012

Weird feeling being weird

It is in fact very seldom that I upload anything on DeviantART. At least that's how I feel about it. But when I do upload something I upload a ton. Today I was in the mood for uploading some pictures and a sketch. I don't know if I just picked a very good time to upload or what the hell happened, but within no time I had so many notifications I didn't know what to do! Resulting in me fleeing from my computer not looking at it again untill seven hours later.
Don't get me wrong I was extremely flattered, but I really just couldn't handle all that activity around my creations. It's just too weird.

I have to share this weird piece of information. Thursday I went to donate blood and as I got off the bus I noticed a flag further down the road at another ward in the hospital. It was steadily waving halfway up the pole. I suddenly felt colder and hurried inside. It turned out my friend's mother should be the nurse poking the needle in my arm. I like having her do it.

When I later returned to the hospital to go to work I noticed that the flag down the road was now waving at the top of the pole. Confused as I was I wondered if these patients each get their prime time with the flag.

It's funny how when you realize you're fearing something and then decide to speak it out loud then irony has a way of coming right at you. The irony here being me working at the hospital once again after so many months of not doing so. Though I found I rather liked being back in the hospital. There are so many things to explore and discover even though I know I'm only suppossed to do my job and nothing more. I just can't help noticing all the interesting stuff going on around me at such a place. I really wish I would someday get to ride their little personel "bus". It seems so fun to ride!

onsdag den 2. maj 2012

The power of the sun

I'm in a bus. (I'm on a booaat) it's slowly taking me closer to work. Closer to the beginning of a work day. A work day with 10,5 hours of work. If I'm lucky I'll be finished by 00.00. That kinda would be nice.

Yesterday was lovely! For the first time in many years I did nothing political on May 1st. Felt rather weird, but on the other hand I wasn't really feeling political at all anyway. And neither did I feel like meeting the folks I know would be there.
Instead my friend and I sat our sorry asses in the grass in the city hall park. Man did it feel good! No worries for so many hours and for once doing something just the two of us. The weather was great. We adopted bees and just relaxed.

33 days till departure.

søndag den 29. april 2012


The streets at night are just special. It's been a long time since I did it. But tonight I just felt like it. I love how I can stroll down the street with a skip in my step, my dog unleashed and nobody notices or minds. The perfect time for a freak like me to act out in public without making a scene. The night and the darkness swallow me and everything is one whole. Part of the scenery no questions asked. At all.

I think I'll watch some movie with Robert Downey Jr. There's something about him I like. I don't care if he's old he looks good.

fredag den 27. april 2012


For some reason I'm still awake even though I should be sleeping. Work tomorrow and some lack of sleep last night would be reason enough to go to sleep, but I can't seem to force myself to bed. This has resulted in one thing: Me watching Grey's Anatomy as it's on TV right now. I'm a little uncomfortable with this episode since part of it is about this transvestite who wants the surgery to really become a woman. This I have no trouble digesting, but what troubles me is the cut on her wrist. Suicide attempt. I just can't help imagining that must be exactly what the wrists of my friend's father must look like. His face, his body and then the mutilated wrists haunt my mind.
Recently he's been in my dreams too. Though in the dreams his wrists are completely intact and free from harm. He's skinny as a skeleton, but that's just how he's always been. I can't believe he snapped like that and spiraled down, down, down..

He was such a nice man.

Getting back to the TV show I really consider turning it off. All the talk about suicide and wrist cutting makes my mouth dry out and it's like there's something stuck in my throat. Urgh.. It's just hard to know how you're supposed to act and behave around such things. Act all cool and pretend like you either haven't noticed or don't mind at all. Both options seem pretty offensive in my head, but I can't imagine a soul wanting to talk about it to every other person.

onsdag den 25. april 2012


I don't know what's the matter with me. Recent events have me fearing doctors, hospitals and psych wards more than ever. Or at least has re-awoken the fear I once had, but seemed to have gone away. I can't seem to get myself together and call the doctor to get that stupid tetanus vaccine. Stupid, crazy, stupid. I guess I'd just rather live without EVER having to go to any place which has to do with sickness in any form.
This fear is stupid. Why oh why.

I refuse to go insane! I simply refuse to start acting all weird. Not now. Not when so much is at stake.

I don't think it's a real phobia anyway. Iatrophobia is not to be kidding with and certainly not to be attached to some confused teenager. I really don't like putting all these labels on myself. Call it denial if you wish to I don't really care. As far as I know I'm not and so I'm perfectly fine.

tirsdag den 24. april 2012


It's funny how much you can learn about yourself and your behavior from listening to things your relatives have experienced. I knew my family had quite a history of being fucked up, but apparently it'll never cease to surprise me and uncover yet another freaky story.
This all has to do with me visiting my grandma today. It had been quite a while so I thought I'd visit her. It seems we always tend to discuss the world and ups and downs in it. Today it got a little more personal as she revealed having had some difficulties with big crowds and people in the past. Who knew?
The whole thing started with me talking about how many psychologists were going to have in a couple of years since it seems it's become very popular to study that exact subject. I mean, it's not like the world is never going to need psychologists and psychiatrists, but one could imagine its be harder to get a job, right? Apparently as it is right now the waiting list for a psychologist is 6 months as for a psychiatrist it's one year. Makes me think about all the things that can happen to a mentally unstable person within a year. Guess that's not too important?

søndag den 22. april 2012

10k in your face!

I went for a run this evening. I just felt like burning some energy and get my head cleared. These stupid thoughts and a Sunday gone wrong.. Saturday was nice though. But Sunday.. I wish I'd just slept in or jumped in the harbor etc.
Needless to say I really needed this particular run. I had no idea how far or for how long I'd run. Turned out to be a 10k just for the hell of it.
I need to run more. Run. Run. Run. I wish I could be just like Forrest Gump!

And when I stopped running I met this super cute Labrador puppy! 12 weeks old and simply adorable! I wish I had a little pup again. Those were the days.
Seeing the pup made me think about my labradoodle G who I miss quite a bit. I hope he's okay wherever e might be.

lørdag den 21. april 2012

Coffee? Why, yes please!

"I like my coffee black just like my metal" Well, that's half true anyway since I don't really care for metal. Black coffee on the other hand is a bliss! The bitter acidic flavor and the way it wakes all kinds of things inside you. The caffeine goes straight to the veins and start spreading into your system like a wildfire. Before you know what's hit you you're on a caffeine rush and everything comes off as a fast-forward movie.

Coffee. The delicious hot beverage which makes an insomniac even more sleepless. Wonderful wonders can be achieved through this drink, but the side effects are grim. But who really cares about that in a world where short term solutions are really what we all seek. Who cares about tomorrow as long as we had a blast and the party seemed to go on forever? Nobody cares about the consequences and what comes after. We all live in the moment.

I'm restless and impatient. I can't bear these last weeks before my departure. They seem to drag out and fly by all simultaneously. What I really just want is to get on a plane and leave this instant. Leave this country and enter the wilderness of the Last Frontier. I don't know what Alaska has to offer me, but I'll be sure to enjoy every second of it!
Something about not knowing much about the journey appeals to me. Most people would freak out if they didn't have any plan for their stay in some faraway country in a city in the middle of nowhere, but I look forward to it! I can't wait to get away and start living on a day-by-day basis. Taking one hour at a time maybe even changing plans in the middle of everything. Start going in this direction instead of that one.

onsdag den 18. april 2012

I'm on top of the world!

Nothing can stop me! No thoughts sinister or cruel coming my way. Nothing to break this feeling. Nothing in this world could bring me down! At least or tonight.

I had a blast at work today. Got in early to help the boss as people where sick. Then Louise came!! I was so thrilled! I LOVE working with her! We are freaks together and you'd actually think we had known each other for more than just a couple of months only seeing each other four or five times. Only "downside" is her sexually harassing me ;) But I don't mind as long as we have as much fun as we had today :D got her completely high on caffeine :D so fucking speed-like! Both of us! Damn. Strooong coffee! And Trine attended the kitchen with Steph so great! Jan was at the cafe too. Nice to see him before he leaves for Kenya.

I ramble. I've just had so much fucking fun today!!!!!!!!!! I don't know what to do about myself! Guess I'm still affected by the coffee. No sleep for me right now that's for sure!!

Look forward to May. Exciting month for sure! Just. Can't. Wait!!!!

tirsdag den 17. april 2012

Basically I said yes

I really don't know what got into me. Was it an impulse? An urge to feel like I did as much as the others. Or maybe I was just being stupid like always.
Anyway, reality is I ended up being the new volunteer coordinator for the cafe. I'm not sure what this will mean yet, but I'm sure I'll find out somehow. Something with organizing activities for the volunteers and employees that doesn't sound too hard.

I actually said "I'm not going anywhere" or more burst it out when all eyes fell on me as people were telling where they'd put up posters. University, some school, some other school and then I said that thing which made me look stupid.. But honestly I didn't know WHERE I would put up posters since I really don't go to any kind of education place.

This week I have more hours at work as I'm covering for someone else. This place at the harbor on the 2. Floor. Nice view actually. More money for me too. Money. I hate it. I actually don't see why we need money (don't give me a lecture I've had PLENTY)
This reminds me of a conversation I had with one friend a few weeks ago. I was randomly chatting about the things people do for money when I concluded I hate doing things which I don't want to do just to get money. My friend told me I was being stupid and that if I was really desperate I would probably do anything for money. This is where our conversation got nasty. You see I started saying things I probably shouldn't have. Things such as "I would rather fucking die than have to lick somebody else's feet." My friend kept telling me my instincts would probably set in and do the licking in order to survive. After a few short snapping replies I think she got the point I don't mind not surviving. Rambling..

søndag den 15. april 2012

"Even in 3D they didn't see the iceberg...!"

Yes. I watched Titanic yesterday as it was on on one of the channels here in Denmark. You'd think I'm tired of it after having seen it a bazillion times like everyone else or just being a crazy and hopeless romantic girl watching it over and over and over. But none of the above happen to be true. As a matter of fact this was only the second time in my life I saw it. And as I soon realized I hadn't remembered much of it. I think I was 8 last time I saw it so I rest my case on being quite excused.

I was surprised to find myself enjoying the movie a lot more than I did when I was younger. The only thing I really remembered was a little version of me crying my eyes out when  Jack sank to the bottom. This time though I had all the time in the world to get angry at the annoying characters and think about all sorts of things (like how Rose's fiancé shoots a gun multiple times and there really is NO WAY the gun could have space for so many bullets in one loading. But that's just me thinking too much..)

I enjoyed the first part of the movie. The part in which the ship was still afloat and everything was fine. all the Irish people made me happy, but at the same time it made me miss Oxegen quite a lot.
When the ship started sinking I starting rocking a bit in my seat. I HATE being on boats and watching these people's eyes gradually filling up with horror was in fact, well, horrifying! Poor people. Most of them doomed by the designers of the ship. 

lørdag den 14. april 2012

When you can't come up with a title

You just do it like that.

My dad is happy. Very happy indeed. As he picked me up after work this morning he was excited like a little boy on Christmas day. "maybe these will be the last 100 km I drive in this car!" ad as it turned out they were! He rode the car to Vejle and met with a man. Apparently the man bought our car :) so my dad is so happy happy :) Now he'll soon be driving around town in the other car. I won't! I refuse to..
I really don't know why my parents wasted all that money on a driver's license for me. Although I might have passed the tests and received my license it DOES NOT mean I am able to drive. I'll just keep saying no to driving or pretend I forgot my license at home. Worked well so far.