lørdag den 21. april 2012

Coffee? Why, yes please!

"I like my coffee black just like my metal" Well, that's half true anyway since I don't really care for metal. Black coffee on the other hand is a bliss! The bitter acidic flavor and the way it wakes all kinds of things inside you. The caffeine goes straight to the veins and start spreading into your system like a wildfire. Before you know what's hit you you're on a caffeine rush and everything comes off as a fast-forward movie.

Coffee. The delicious hot beverage which makes an insomniac even more sleepless. Wonderful wonders can be achieved through this drink, but the side effects are grim. But who really cares about that in a world where short term solutions are really what we all seek. Who cares about tomorrow as long as we had a blast and the party seemed to go on forever? Nobody cares about the consequences and what comes after. We all live in the moment.

I'm restless and impatient. I can't bear these last weeks before my departure. They seem to drag out and fly by all simultaneously. What I really just want is to get on a plane and leave this instant. Leave this country and enter the wilderness of the Last Frontier. I don't know what Alaska has to offer me, but I'll be sure to enjoy every second of it!
Something about not knowing much about the journey appeals to me. Most people would freak out if they didn't have any plan for their stay in some faraway country in a city in the middle of nowhere, but I look forward to it! I can't wait to get away and start living on a day-by-day basis. Taking one hour at a time maybe even changing plans in the middle of everything. Start going in this direction instead of that one.

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