torsdag den 23. februar 2012


Smoothies!! You have to LOVE those things :D

Okay this is weird. My driver just stopped the freakin bus just to make a private phone call? I really don't know what to think about that. People started laughing/talking "WTF!?" two even got off the bus even though is wasn't their stop. Odd..

mandag den 20. februar 2012

Baking days!

Yesterday was a dull Sunday. So what better use to put it to than spend it baking cupcakes? :) No good arguments and suddenly I found myself in the kitchen kneading fondant.
I have this idea that I want to get artistically back in shape! I have my Nikon back in action, motivation and a heap of good ideas just sitting online waiting to be realized.

Today my mother asked if I would make some fastelavnsboller and well, I couldn't say no now could I? :) I want to be able to make all the things people enjoy in a vegan version which MUST taste just as good as the original :) I think my friend's remark about making it soo much harder to eat with me annoyed the hell out of me. It's only hard if you want to look at it like that.. Pff.

fredag den 17. februar 2012

90' retrospect

Yesterday I hooked up the old PlayStation to the television and wonder of all wonders - it worked!! Instantly the room filled with the familiar sounds from my childhood. My friend came over and we spent multiple hours playing Crash Bandicoot. Damn it was great! I had completely forgotten how great the game was! And the graphics, oh dear, so very TERRIBLE! I love it! The game surely was never meant to be played on a 42" flat screen. Big pixels everywhere!

Actually we were supposed to go get free bread from a reality "celebrity", but we figured playing Crash was time way better spent!

My friend bought these noodles which I found VERY disturbing! Vegetarian chicken noodles WTF?!

onsdag den 15. februar 2012

tirsdag den 14. februar 2012

In my head


The sound of a sharp edge colliding with my head. A sound which I have grown way to used to during the last couple of days. My head is covered in bruises I'm sure I can feel them when I touch my head. Last time I felt my teeth slamming against each other since my mouth wasn't closed during impact. Ouch..

On another more positive account the cats and I are doing fine living together. Frankie even has this habit of sticking his head into my face every now and then. Especially when I sleep damn!
I love being back in my old neighborhood. It makes me happy and feel safe and secure. Not to mention I get to see some of the old friends a lot more! Yay! I miss having them so close to me. These days just remind me how much.

fredag den 10. februar 2012

Hipster night out

Pictures of my Thursday night out with my friend. Completely hipster-mode, but nice as you wouldn't believe!
We went to ser The Artist which I can heartedly recommend anyone who wants to see a Hollywoodish movie with a little twist.
The story is simple and you kind of know what'll happen and such, but still it's an amazing movie. The daring part of it being a silent b/w movie is just wonderful. It works so damn well in my opinion. And then I have a little yay on the faces they make! Everything so very pronounced so we know :) I rather liked it!

Now I just need to figure out where to put the poster of it.

mandag den 6. februar 2012

The piss-like stench of money

I spent some hours at the attic last night. Cold as hell if said thing ever froze over. It must have been at least minus ten celsius degrees, but I wouldn't know for sure. I should probably have worn a jacket. Oh well.

I rummaged through all these old things and what-nots looking for thigs I already knew I wouldn't find. By now I know most of the content of the attic and where it's suppossed to be, but I've never succeeded in finding my "My Little Ponies". I suspect my mother has sold them...

I found this old Adidas shoe box which contained several old (and a few recent) photos of different people and occassions. I looked it through and found the old money we used to have on display in the bathroom of our old house. Money were once pretty.

I beought down my barbies and started dressing them up. Then a sudden urge made me cut the haur of one of the dolls. To think I had to be 19 before my first time cutting a barbie's hair.

søndag den 5. februar 2012

Car crash memories

I looked at this picture which I found while cleaning my closet. It's from back when my family and I were in a car crash in Germany. The car got pretty beaten by our own camping wagon. Sick shit, but luckily no one was harmed.
Ever since the accident I've been afraid of Kassel and its hills. Always get nervous when I get near that city.

Looking at the picture I wonder. Why are both my brother and I dressed in red? It seems very odd. Very curious, but very fortunate it turned out, my father and I had switched seats so that I was in the middle seat of the car while he had the right back seat. The exact side of the car which got most wound up in the crash. He had a pillow against the window so the only thing getting hurt when the glass wagon smashed against the window spitting glass splinters in every direction was my dad's arm.


lørdag den 4. februar 2012

Not feeling it

I feel like going outside. Abandoning this indoor life and give in to the animalistic urges inside me pressing against the insides of my body, longing to break free. I suffocate, can't breathe and just want to escape. The dreams at night are hardly doing the trick anymore I need something more. Something bigger something which would actually make sense.

Tyler is right. The things you own end up owning you. This nesting of mine. I could just puke.

Run, Forrest, run! They're coming to get you! Don't let them get you down! Break free! Escape! Live!

So sue me..

I quite enjoy the amount of snow which has suddenly decided to settle in Denmark.

onsdag den 1. februar 2012


I felt like going inside one of the many shiny bars/cafés I went by as I walked around the city trying to stay warm. Their welcoming lights and seducing atmosphere filled the streets as I walked past.
I guess I felt like being hipster.
After spending some time trying to book cinema tickets for a french b/w film (I really couldn't figure out the stairs and doors) I wondered how it would be to just go buy a ticket to some independent film and sit alone in the dark and let myself merge with the screen an be one with the actors.
Makes me wonder.