mandag den 6. februar 2012

The piss-like stench of money

I spent some hours at the attic last night. Cold as hell if said thing ever froze over. It must have been at least minus ten celsius degrees, but I wouldn't know for sure. I should probably have worn a jacket. Oh well.

I rummaged through all these old things and what-nots looking for thigs I already knew I wouldn't find. By now I know most of the content of the attic and where it's suppossed to be, but I've never succeeded in finding my "My Little Ponies". I suspect my mother has sold them...

I found this old Adidas shoe box which contained several old (and a few recent) photos of different people and occassions. I looked it through and found the old money we used to have on display in the bathroom of our old house. Money were once pretty.

I beought down my barbies and started dressing them up. Then a sudden urge made me cut the haur of one of the dolls. To think I had to be 19 before my first time cutting a barbie's hair.

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