Rants, recipes, pictures and blahs. That's what to expect. Welcome inside the mind of a very crazy bitch!
søndag den 19. juni 2011
lørdag den 18. juni 2011
Flee markets! Booths with food and drinks events and music was what I found. I strolled down some rows looking at all their stuff when my eyes fell upon a plush chihuahua! It cost less than 1 dollar so I had to buy him! (The picture is of him. Is he not adorable??? Cuter than a real chihuahua)
torsdag den 16. juni 2011
I went to the hairdresser today. Spent 1600 kr. (roughly 303 dollars) in four hours! Never ever have I spent so much money on my hair at one time! BUT I love what has been done to my hair! It is amazing how my oh so dark hair is now platinum blonde! No more "french fries blonde", but purely blonde! Amazing!
Funny how my hair projects always attract a lot of attention from all the hairdressers in the salon. "What thick hair you have!" is ever the first comment on their lips, even now when I have actually shed a lot of hair. What puzzles me is that they said my hair was not completely damaged. My hair is apparently strong and fights against all the fucked up things I put it through. Thank you hair!
Today they released the grades in written English, Danish and music. I did extremely well in the first two, music not so well. Maybe I should feel a little down about the music grade, but I just do not care about it since I got the highest grades in Danish and English so what matters a failed grade in music??
M and I made frushi. SO RECOMMENDABLE!!!
M and I made frushi. SO RECOMMENDABLE!!!
tirsdag den 14. juni 2011
Blood, blood, gallons of the stuff. Give them all that they can drink and it will never be enough...
My fingers have been bleeding all day. Started in the morning. Cut my thumb while cutting a grape. Hurt like hell, but at least I was not wakened enough to feel all the pain. I really should stop using those big sharp knives in the morning...
Then my ring finger started bleeding due to the biting I did. Then the pinkie and then at last the pointing finger. Way to go girl! Now the only one missing is my index finger. That should come in the night when my exam stresses me too much and I need something to keep myself busy with. Damn you me.
Did vikings like blood?
mandag den 13. juni 2011
The Contest
Link to the contest :D
Life of Pi

As to whether I shall believe in God after reading this story I am still not convinced and have my doubts. Sure I like Pi's take on religion and his way of going about it. But I seriously doubt I shall start believing. Even so it is surely an amazing story. I wonder if it is based on true events?
fredag den 10. juni 2011
Run and clean!
I woke up feeling all, "Oh noes, why did I tell myself to run that far today???" I was very close to canceling, but then I got my shit together and pulled on the running gear!
10 km was my goal.
During the run I kept thinking I might not be able to run 10 km after all since I was getting tired after what I thought was 3 km. Now I know better and that I am extremely bad at estimating distance. 3 was actually 5 km and the run I thought could at a max have been 9 km was in fact 11 km. Way me, on distance guessing!
So obviously I am very happy with my running performance!
The house is clean now! Is it just me or is one a little bit more aware of people making a mess when one is the one who has cleaned?? I could not help thinking ¤/#%¤& when I found little sock fluff on the floor right after I cleaned the fucking floor!! I know it is nothing but argh! And I had to go to the bathroom, but I thought about not going since I had just cleaned it and that it would be so sad to ruin the cleanliness. I think I need serious help :P
torsdag den 9. juni 2011
So I entered this race thing today. And I am quite proud of myself! I finished the 4 km in 21 minutes which I find to be pretty good. That's roughly 5 minutes pr. km making my speed at an average of 11 kph. Next time I will do it even faster! (or maybe set out on 8 km who knows?)
I was about 15 seconds faster than the boxing boy I know who also participated. He stopped because of his shoelaces which gave me the lead, but hey a lead is a lead, right? :)
Tomorrow I plan on trying to run the 10 km again. It has been some time since I ran that far, but I have a feeling I might make it tomorrow! Willpower is the way to achieve good results! Then the house needs to be cleaned. From top to bottom. Every spot of dust (spot of bother?) has to be cleaned! Then I and the parents are going to be just about satisfied :)
tirsdag den 7. juni 2011
Free hugs
mandag den 6. juni 2011
God am I dreaming
Never have I felt so badly between the exam and the voting. NEVER..... I..just..felt...like.....
But it turned out well anyway!? I have no idea how. I seriously thought they might have thought I was a retard who knew nothing about the things spoke of. Funny feeling though.
When I got the question I was blank. God is big. Islam and Christianity. I felt. Fucked.
I recall saying that exact word a couple of times during the preparation time. Only once have I said that word during such a time. Last year when I was getting ready for media class.
Thunder is in the air. You can smell it. The pressure at its highest, black clouds in the air and the humidity reaching high levels.
Is this a sign that a storm is coming? Who knows. Maybe one should go to sleep and dream. Dream of things which will turn out to be nightmares. At least they did last night.
The dream about exams and then suddenly being in a place where none is a familiar face. Room suddenly emptying. I follow some stranger. We get to the same point twice and two times I am not fast enough. The person tells me so and suddenly a dude in black hoodie shoots something at me. Syringe-shaped vivid colored. I am down. Blackout.
Completely alone at a strange and unfamiliar place. Walking. Then he shows up and starts aiming at me. I run. Every time I look back he is there pointing, aiming, trying to shoot me down.
lørdag den 4. juni 2011
Summer warmth
Temptation. It is funny how in Denmark when the weather starts getting really good everyone is found on their front porch under their parasols sipping ice cold beverages. I noticed this behavior in several gardens yesterday and it made me think. I think it is a wonderful thing and everybody had somebody over and they were talking and just having a good time. I love summer.
When I got home I decided that I needed to do the exact same thing! But I had none to do it together with, but I cared not for this. Parasol up, long drink made, legs crossed on the table and relaaax.
Summertime is wonderful!
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