I like how I got so connected to the protagonist. It felt awful to realize she was just getting worse and developing a more severe state of her mental illness. Women sure did not have it easy back around 1880.
On the brighter note I feel like I can get a good night's sleep tonight. Having relaxed all day must have some benefits, right?
Speaking of relaxing scares me when I think about it. Relaxing and doing nothing was the thing that triggered the protagonist into getting worse. I really have to find out what to do when I graduate. Otherwise I fear I am just going to end up at some psych ward.
Really like your new background. :)
SvarSletWhat is that book exactly about? (I consider reading it.)
Thanks I like it too (obviously)
SvarSletIt's a short story about a woman who suffers from depression. Her husband is a doctor and believes in a "rest cure" which means she must not perform labor of any kind and is limited to stay in a room. Secretly she writes, because she thinks it helps her and through her writing she expresses her thoughts.
She hates the wallpaper and since she has nothing to do she keeps starring at it which drives her even more crazy.
I don't want to spoil the ending for you if you want to read it, but I can tell you it hits you in the face!